This is a study that aims to identify the 25 law faculties with the most “scholarly impact” as measured by citations during roughly the past FIVE years. The methodology is the same as used in the 2007 study, though now excluding, per suggestion from many colleagues and as we did last year, untenured faculty from the count, since their citation counts are, for obvious reasons, always lower. The study also excludes judges who still do some teaching (like Guido Calabresi at Yale and Richard Posner at Chicago).
The study was conducted in early January of 2010 (the search parameters were date aft 2004 and bef January 15 2010), so incorporates some articles published in early 2010, but the bulk of the sample is made up of articles published in the years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009.
In general, law faculty who have already accepted senior offers for next year are credited to the school where they will teach. The study is limited to tenure-stream faculty, with some exceptions (e.g., Derrick Bell, who has been a “visiting professor” at NYU for many years now, so is a de facto tenure-stream faculty member). Some faculty split their time between two schools; as long as they are actually teaching at both, the citations are credited in full to each. (So, e.g., Richard Epstein splits his time between University of Chicago and NYU; Ronald Gilson splits between Stanford and Columbia; Kimberle Crenshaw between Columbia and UCLA.) Faculty who have left for major government service, which may take them out of the academy for many years, are not included (e.g., Elena Kagan, Harold Koh, Cass Sunstein, among others).
The new law faculty at the University of California at Irvine presents a special case, since they have only filled about a third of their planned faculty slots. Given Dean Chemerinsky’s very high citation count (he is now the most cited full-time law professor in the country, with Sunstein’s departure for government service), to simply add his cite count to the currently relatively small number of faculty would produce highly misleading results. At the same time, as a new law school, some indication of its scholarly impact performance seems especially relevant, so I have adopted the following device: I have assumed that the next hires will have the same scholarly impact as the third of the faculty already hired (not including Chemerinsky), and thus have estimated Irvine’s per capita impact score on that basis (so basically Chemerinsky’s citations plus (the total citations of all other faculty times 3) divided by the (current faculty size x 3) plus Chemerinsky).
Schools are rank-ordered by their weighted score, which is the mean X 2 plus the median (since mean is more probative of overall impact than median, it gets more weight in the final score). The ten most cited faculty are listed in the final column; those over 70 in 2010 are marked with an asterisk. In some cases, older faculty account for quite a lot of the result (e.g., three of NYU’s ten most cited faculty are between the ages of 76 and 80; four of Columbia’s ten most cited are 70 or older).
We studied 34 faculties based on the 2007 results as the ones likely to make it into the top twenty-five for the time period studied here. Outside “the top 25” the faculties are not rank-ordered since it is possible that some faculties not studied might well have performed competitively.
Needless to say, citation studies are but one measure of the scholarly distinction of faculties. They tend to favor smaller faculties over larger faculties, which no doubt explains why schools like Texas and Virginia and Georgetown come out behind schools like Vanderbilt and Cornell, even though I don’t think any informed scholarly judgment would rate them that way. So, as always, large differences in rank (and, in particular, in normalized score) are more meaningful than small differences.
Rank |
School |
Normalized Score |
Weighted Score (meanx2 plus median) |
Mean score |
Median score |
Ten Most Cited Faculty (*indicates over 70) |
1 |
Yale University |
100 |
1532 |
566 |
400 |
B. Ackerman, A. Amar, I. Ayres, J. Balkin, W. Eskridge, D. Kahan, J. Langbein, J. Macey, R. Post, R. Siegel |
2 |
Harvard University |
87 |
1330 |
485 |
360 |
L. Bebchuk, R. Fallon, J. Goldsmith, L. Kaplow, L. Lessig, M. Minow, S. Shavell, L. Tribe, M. Tushnet, A. Vermeule |
3 |
University of Chicago |
84 |
1281 |
493 |
295 |
D. Baird, L. Bernstein, R. Epstein, B. Leiter, S. Levmore, R. McAdams, M. Nussbaum, E. Posner, G. Stone, D. Strauss |
4 |
Stanford University |
74 |
1138 |
434 |
270 |
*L. Friedman, R. Gilson, P. Goldstein, P. Karlan, L. Kramer, M. Lemley, M. McConnell, M. Polinsky, D. Rhode, K. Sullivan |
5 |
New York University |
65 |
998 |
364 |
270 |
*D. Bell, *R. Dworkin, R. Epstein, B. Friedman, S. Issacharoff, *A. Miller, G. Miller, R. Pildes, *R. Stewart, J. Waldron |
6 |
Columbia University |
61 |
940 |
340 |
260 |
J. Coffee, *G. Fletcher, R. Gilson, J. Ginsburg, *K. Greenawalt, T. Merrill, *H. Monaghan,*J. Raz, R. Scott, W. Simon |
7 |
University of California, Berkeley |
56 |
858 |
324 |
210 |
*J. Choper, R. Cooter, *M. Eisenberg, D. Farber, P. Frickey, A. Guzman, R. Merges, P. Samuelson, J. Yoo, F. Zimring |
8 |
Northwestern University |
49 |
744 |
272 |
200 |
R. Allen, *A. Alschuler, B. Black, S. Calabresi, L. Epstein, A. Koppelman, J. McGinnis, R. Nelson, M. Redish, D. Roberts |
9 |
University of California, Irvine |
48 |
742 |
276 |
190 |
D. Burk, E. Chemerinsky, C. Fisk, C. Leslie, E. Loftus, C. Menkel-Meadow, R. Moran, A. Reese, C. Tomlins, H. Weinstein |
10 |
Vanderbilt University |
45 |
689 |
257 |
175 |
M. Blair, C. Guthrie, N. King, R. Nagareda, E. Rubin, S. Sherry, C. Slobogin, R. Thomas, R. Thompson, K. Viscusi |
11 |
Cornell University |
44 |
676 |
238 |
200 |
G. Alexander, K. Clermont, M. Dorf, T. Eisenberg, V. Hans, M. Heise, *J. Henderson, J. Rachlinski, S. Schwab, *R. Summers, B. Wendel |
Duke University |
44 |
680 |
250 |
180 |
J. Boyle, C. Bradley, *P. Carrington, J. Cox, M. Gulati, L. Helfer, H.J. Powell, J. Salzman, N. Vidmar, E. Young |
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
44 |
672 |
246 |
180 |
E. Cooper, R. Eisenberg, R. Friedman, S. Gross, *J. Krier, J. Litman, C. MacKinnon, A. Pritchard, M. Radin, S. Ratner, *J.J. White |
14 |
University of Pennsylvania |
42 |
636 |
228 |
180 |
M. Adler, S. Bibas, S. Burbank, J. Fisch, G. Parchomovsky, P. Robinson, E. Rock, D. Skeel, P. Wagner, C. Yoo |
15 |
University of California, Los Angeles |
41 |
630 |
235 |
160 |
S. Bainbridge, K. Crenshaw, J. Kang, R. Korobkin, L. LoPucki, N. Netanel, K. Raustiala, K. Stone, L. Stout, E. Volokh |
16 |
University of Virginia |
38 |
582 |
216 |
150 |
J. Harrison, J. Jeffries, *E. Kitch, D. Laycock, P. Mahoney, C. Nelson, S. Prakash, J. Ryan, F. Schauer, G.E. White |
17 |
University of Texas, Austin |
37 |
570 |
200 |
170 |
M. Berman, R. Bone, F. Cross, D. Jinks, S. Levinson, R. Mann, T. McGarity, J. Robertson, L. Sager, J. Westbrook |
18 |
George Washington University |
36 |
544 |
202 |
140 |
N. Cahn, L. Cunningham, J. Duffy, O. Kerr, S. Murphy, R. Pierce, J. Rosen, S. Saltzburg, M. Selmi, D. Shelton, D. Solove |
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities |
36 |
556 |
188 |
180 |
B. Bix, T. Cotter, R.A. Duff, R. Frase, B. Karkkainen, H. Kritzer, B. McDonnell, R. Painter, F. Parisi, M. Tonry, D. Weissbrodt |
20 |
Georgetown University |
34 |
527 |
201 |
125 |
R. Barnett, J. Cohen, D. Cole, L. Gostin, V. Jackson, N. Katyal, D. Langevoort, R. Lazarus, D. Luban, R. West |
21 |
University of Arizona |
30 |
454 |
162 |
130 |
J. Anaya, J. Braucher, G. Chin, K. Engel, R. Glennon, T. Massaro, M. Miller, *C. Rose, B. Sales, T. Schneyer, R. Williams |
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
30 |
460 |
180 |
100 |
M. Finkin, E. Freyfogle, D. Hyman, J. Kesan, M. Moore, L. Ribstein, L. Solum, C. Tabb, T. Ulen, C. Williams |
23 |
Emory University |
29 |
442 |
156 |
130 |
R. Ahdieh, D. Bederman, W.Buzbee, *W. Carney, M. Fineman, M. Perry, P. Rubin, R. Schapiro, J. Witte, B. Woodhouse |
Florida State University |
29 |
446 |
154 |
140 |
F. Abbott, R. Atkinson, R. Craig, J. Dodge, A. Hirsch, W. Logan, D. Markel, J. Rossi, J. Ruhl, M. Seidenfeld, F. Teson |
University of California, Davis |
29 |
438 |
164 |
110 |
D. Amann, V. Amar, K. Aoki, A. Brownstein, A. Chander, R. Hillman, B. Hing, E. Imwinkelried, K. Johnson, R. Perschbacher, M. Sunder |
Other Schools Studied (not ranked; some schools not studied may have done as well) |
Cardozo Law School/Yeshiva University |
28 |
422 |
151 |
120 |
L. Brickman, M. Gilles, M. Hamilton, M. Herz, J. Hughes, M. Rosenfeld, B. Scheck, A. Sebok, A. Stein, S. Sterk, E. Zelinsky |
Boston University |
26 |
405 |
150 |
105 |
G. Annas, S. Dogan, J. Fleming, T. Frankel, W. Gordon, K. Hylton, G. Lawson, T. Maclin, M. Meurer, M. O’Rourke |
George Mason University |
26 |
336 |
137 |
120 |
D. Bernstein, E. Claeys,
S. Eagle,
T. Muris,
C. Lerner,
T. Zywicki, |
Washington University, St. Louis |
26 |
398 |
134 |
130 |
S. Appleton, K. Brickey, P. Kim S. Legomsky, *D. Mandelker, T. Paredes, L. Sadat, H. Sale, K. Syverud, B. Tamanaha |
University of Colorado, Boulder |
24 |
374 |
132 |
110 |
V. Fleischer, D. Getches, M. Hart, M. Loewenstein, S. Moss, C. Mueller, R. Nagel, S. Peppet, P. Schlag, P. Weiser, C. Wilkinson |
University of Southern California |
24 |
368 |
129 |
110 |
M. Dudziak, S. Estrich, E. Garrett, H. Gillman, G. Hadfield, E. Kamar, E. McCaffery, M. McCubbins, R. Rasmussen,*C. Stone |
University of California, Hastings |
22 |
341 |
128 |
85 |
W. Dodge, D. Faigman, *G. Hazard, *C. Knapp, J. Leshy, R. Marcus, C. Massey, U. Mattei, R. Park, N. Roht-Arriaza, J. Williams |
University of Iowa |
20 |
310 |
115 |
80 |
*D. Baldus, R. Bezanson, S. Burton, A. Estin, H. Hovenkamp, S. Kurtz, A. Onwuachi-Willig, M. Osiel, K. Porter, A. Wing |
University of San Diego |
20 |
309 |
122 |
65 |
L. Alexander, A. Bell, D. Dripps, *Y. Kamisar, O. Lobel, D. McGowan, F. Partnoy, M. Ramsey, M. Rappaport, S. Smith |
Ten Most Cited Faculty 2005-2009
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Erwin Chemerinsky |
University of California, Irvine |
2860 |
57 |
2 |
Richard Epstein |
University of Chicago/New York University |
2510 |
67 |
3 |
Ronald Dworkin |
New York University |
2290 |
79 |
4 |
Eric Posner |
University of Chicago |
2130 |
45 |
5 |
Mark Tushnet |
Harvard University |
2110 |
65 |
6 |
Laurence Tribe |
Harvard University |
2100 |
69 |
7 |
Mark Lemley |
Stanford University |
1960 |
44 |
8 |
William Eskridge, Jr. |
Yale University |
1930 |
59 |
9 |
Akhil Amar |
Yale University |
1760 |
52 |
10 |
Bruce Ackerman |
Yale University |
1740 |
67 |
Ten Most Cited Female Faculty 2005-2009
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Kathleen Sullivan |
Stanford University |
1080 |
55 |
2 |
Martha Minow |
Harvard University |
1030 |
56 |
3 |
Deborah Rhode |
Stanford University |
1010 |
58 |
4 |
Catharine MacKinnon |
University of Michigan |
990 |
64 |
5 |
Martha Nussbaum |
University of Chicago |
980 |
63 |
Reva Siegel |
Yale University |
980 |
55 |
7 |
Margaret Jane Radin |
University of Michigan |
860 |
69 |
8 |
Judith Resnik |
Yale University |
810 |
60 |
9 |
Mary Ann Glendon |
Harvard University |
790 |
72 |
Carol Rose |
University of Arizona |
790 |
70 |
Runner-up for the Top Ten |
Roberta Romano |
Yale University |
780 |
58 |
High-Impact Faculty in 13 Specialty Areas
For the specialty area rankings, faculty had to have roughly 75% of their citations in the area. Other with high citations counts who had less than 75% in the area are listed under the “highly cited” but not “exclusively in the area” category at the end of each list. This is obviously especially significant when faculty also work in high citation fields like constitutional law. Some areas studied in 2007 are omitted here (e.g., environmental law, civil procedure, torts, among others), but several new areas are included (e.g. administrative law, family law, property). The 2007 study was used to identify faculty not at schools that were part of the “top 25” study but who have high impact in their fields.
The impact ratings correlate decently but imperfectly with scholarly reputation: examples would be (to mention omissions from the ‘top ten’ lists) Marcel Kahan (NYU) in corporate law; Abraham Wickelgren (Texas) in law & economics; R.H. Helmholz (Chicago) in legal history; and Seana Shiffrin (UCLA) in law & philosophy. The ordinal rank in the “top ten” list should not, however, be taken to correspond to scholarly excellence or reputation. But those in “the top ten” are usually thought of as among the leading scholars in the area. In some areas with a large number of scholars working (and being cited a lot), the list was expanded to “the top twenty” instead of merely the top ten.
Administrative Law (including regulation and telecommunications)
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Richard J. Pierce, Jr. |
George Washington University |
670 |
67 |
2 |
Jerry Mashaw |
Yale University |
600 |
69 |
3 |
Gary Lawson |
Boston University |
560 |
52 |
4 |
Peter Strauss |
Columbia University |
530 |
70 |
5 |
Sidney Shapiro |
Wake Forest University |
420 |
63 |
6 |
Christopher Yoo |
University of Pennsylvania |
410 |
45 |
7 |
Lars Noah |
University of Florida |
340 |
45 |
8 |
Steven Croley |
University of Michigan |
330 |
45 |
9 |
Philip Weiser |
University of Colorado, Boulder |
320 |
42 |
10 |
Mark Seidenfeld |
Florida State University |
290 |
56 |
Runners-up for the top ten |
Jim Rossi |
Florida State University |
280 |
45 |
Lisa Bressman |
Vanderbilt University |
260 |
44 |
Orly Lobel |
University of San Diego |
260 |
37 |
Harold Krent |
Chicago-Kent College of Law |
240 |
54 |
Stuart Benjamin |
Duke University |
230 |
45 |
Cynthia Farina |
Cornell University |
230 |
56 |
Todd Rakoff |
Harvard University |
230 |
64 |
Peter Shane |
Ohio State University |
230 |
58 |
Highly Cited Scholars Whose Cites Are Not Exclusively in This Area |
Thomas Merrill |
Columbia University |
1400 |
61 |
Edward Rubin |
Vanderbilt University |
840 |
62 |
Richard Stewart |
New York University |
720 |
70 |
Thomas McGarity |
University of Texas, Austin |
460 |
61 |
Commercial Law/Bankruptcy
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Robert E. Scott |
Columbia University |
1140 |
66 |
2 |
Alan Schwartz |
Yale University |
690 |
70 |
3 |
Douglas Baird |
University of Chicago |
630 |
57 |
Elizabeth Warren |
Harvard University |
630 |
61 |
5 |
David Skeel |
University of Pennsylvania |
570 |
49 |
6 |
Jay L. Westbrook |
University of Texas, Austin |
460 |
67 |
7 |
Lynn LoPucki |
University of California, Los Angeles |
450 |
66 |
8 |
James J. White |
University of Michigan |
440 |
76 |
9 |
Ronald J. Mann |
University of Texas, Austin |
430 |
49 |
10 |
Clayton Gillette |
New York University |
410 |
60 |
Runners-up for the Top Ten |
Todd Zywicki |
George Mason University |
370 |
44 |
Richard Craswell |
Stanford University |
360 |
56 |
Avery Katz |
Columbia University |
310 |
52 |
Robert Rasmussen |
University of Southern California |
310 |
50 |
Highly Cited Scholars Whose Cites Are Not Exclusively in This Area |
Eric Posner |
University of Chicago |
2130 |
45 |
Theodore Eisenberg |
Cornell University |
870 |
63 |
Geoffrey Miller |
New York University |
850 |
60 |
Melvin Eisenberg |
University of California, Berkeley |
770 |
76 |
Robert S. Summers |
Cornell University |
470 |
77 |
Corporate Law/Securities Regulation
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
John Coffee |
Columbia University |
1500 |
66 |
2 |
Lucian Bebchuk |
Harvard University |
1060 |
55 |
3 |
Larry Ribstein |
University of Illinois |
960 |
64 |
4 |
Stephen Bainbridge |
University of California, Los Angeles |
850 |
52 |
5 |
Roberta Romano |
Yale University |
780 |
58 |
6 |
Ronald J. Gilson |
Columbia University, Stanford University |
770 |
64 |
7 |
Reinier Kraakman |
Harvard University |
760 |
61 |
8 |
Bernard Black |
Northwestern University |
730 |
57 |
9 |
Donald Langevoort |
Georgetown University |
720 |
59 |
10 |
Robert Thompson |
Vanderbilt University |
680 |
61 |
Runners-up for the top ten |
Henry Hansmann |
Yale University |
640 |
65 |
Mark Roe |
Harvard University |
620 |
59 |
Lynn Stout |
University of Califiornia, Los Angeles |
610 |
53 |
Stephen Choi |
New York University |
600 |
44 |
Jill Fisch |
University of Pennsylvania |
600 |
50 |
Highly Cited Scholars Whose Cites Are Not Exclusively in This Area |
Jonathan Macey |
Yale University |
1100 |
55 |
Melvin Eisenberg |
University of California, Berkeley |
770 |
76 |
Criminal Law & Procedure
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Dan Kahan |
Yale University |
850 |
47 |
William Stuntz |
Harvard University |
850 |
52 |
3 |
George Fletcher |
Columbia University |
750 |
71 |
4 |
Paul Robinson |
University of Pennsylvania |
660 |
62 |
5 |
Joshua Dressler |
Ohio State University |
640 |
63 |
6 |
Christopher Slobogin |
Vanderbilt University |
610 |
59 |
7 |
Orin Kerr |
George Washington University |
600 |
39 |
8 |
Albert Alschuler |
Northwestern University |
580 |
70 |
9 |
Michael Tonry |
University of Minnesota |
570 |
65 |
10 |
Stephen Schulhofer |
New York University |
530 |
68 |
11 |
Stephanos Bibas |
University of Pennsylvania |
490 |
41 |
Samuel Gross |
University of Michigan |
490 |
64 |
13 |
Richard McAdams |
University of Chicago |
480 |
50 |
14 |
James Liebman |
Columbia University |
470 |
58 |
Franklin Zimring |
University of California, Berkeley |
470 |
68 |
16 |
Nancy King |
Vanderbilt University |
460 |
52 |
17 |
Anthony Amsterdam |
New York University |
410 |
75 |
18 |
Carol Steiker |
Harvard University |
390 |
52 |
19 |
Rachel Barkow |
New York University |
370 |
39 |
20 |
Ronald Wright |
Wake Forest University |
360 |
51 |
Stephen Saltzburg |
George Washington University |
360 |
65 |
Runners-up for the top twenty |
Marc Miller |
University of Arizona |
350 |
51 |
Susan Bandes |
DePaul University |
340 |
59 |
Yale Kamisar |
University of San Diego |
340 |
81 |
Robert Weisberg |
Stanford University |
340 |
64 |
Bernard Harcourt |
University of Chicago |
320 |
47 |
George C. Thomas III |
Rutgers University, Newark |
310 |
63 |
Craig Bradley |
Indiana University, Bloomington |
300 |
65 |
David Sklansky |
University of California, Berkeley |
300 |
51 |
Donald Dripps |
University of San Diego |
290 |
53 |
Erik Luna |
Washington & Lee University |
280 |
39 |
Highly Cited Scholars Whose Cites Are Not Exclusively in This Area |
Larry Alexander |
University of San Diego |
800 |
67 |
R. Kent Greenawalt |
Columbia University |
730 |
74 |
Neal Katyal |
Georgetown University |
650 |
40 |
Michael S. Moore |
University of Illinois |
610 |
67 |
Ronald J. Allen |
Northwestern University |
370 |
62 |
Gabriel Chin |
University of Arizona |
350 |
46 |
Mitchell N. Berman |
University of Texas, Austin |
340 |
44 |
Family Law
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Martha Fineman |
Emory University |
540 |
60 |
2 |
Elizabeth Scott |
Columbia University |
410 |
65 |
3 |
Naomi Cahn |
George Washington University |
380 |
52 |
4 |
Mark Strasser |
Capital University |
330 |
55 |
5 |
Barbara Woodhouse |
Emory University |
290 |
65 |
6 |
Nancy Polikoff |
American University |
270 |
58 |
7 |
June Carbone |
University of Missouri, Kansas City |
250 |
56 |
Robin Wilson |
Washington & Lee University |
250 |
42 |
9 |
Jill Hasday |
University of Minnesota |
230 |
38 |
10 |
Ira Ellman |
Arizona State University |
220 |
65 |
Runners-up for the top ten |
Margaret Brinig |
University of Notre Dame |
210 |
61 |
Susan Appleton |
Washington University, St. Louis |
200 |
62 |
Elizabeth Bartholet |
Harvard University |
200 |
70 |
Nancy Dowd |
University of Florida |
190 |
61 |
Martha Field |
Harvard University |
190 |
67 |
Janet Dolgin |
Hofstra University |
180 |
63 |
Jana Singer |
University of Maryland |
180 |
55 |
Carol Sanger |
Columbia University |
170 |
62 |
Emily Buss |
University of Chicago |
160 |
50 |
Highly Cited Scholars Whose Cites Are Not Exclusively in This Area |
Martha Minow |
Harvard University |
1030 |
56 |
Katharine Bartlett |
Duke University |
350 |
63 |
Sylvia Law |
New York University |
340 |
68 |
Janet Halley |
Harvard University |
300 |
58 |
Brian Bix |
University of Minnesota |
260 |
48 |
Linda Silberman |
New York University |
260 |
66 |
International Law
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Jack Goldsmith |
Harvard University |
1490 |
48 |
2 |
Curtis Bradley |
Duke University |
960 |
46 |
3 |
Philip Alston |
New York University |
660 |
60 |
W. Michael Riesman |
Yale University |
660 |
71 |
5 |
Sean Murphy |
George Washington University |
620 |
50 |
6 |
Jose Alvarez |
New York University |
560 |
55 |
7 |
Laurence Helfer |
Duke University |
510 |
45 |
8 |
John H. Jackson |
Georgetown University |
500 |
78 |
Jordan Paust |
University of Houston |
500 |
67 |
10 |
Andrew Guzman |
University of California, Berkeley |
480 |
43 |
Runners-up for the top ten |
Alan Sykes |
Stanford University |
470 |
56 |
Kal Raustiala |
University of California, Los Angeles |
450 |
44 |
Robert Howse |
New York University |
440 |
52 |
Steven Ratner |
University of Michigan |
440 |
51 |
Dinah Shelton |
George Washington University |
440 |
66 |
Oona Hathaway |
Yale University |
410 |
38 |
Derek Jinks |
University of Texas, Austin |
410 |
43 |
Highly Cited Scholars Whose Cites Are Not Exclusively in This Area |
Eric Posner |
University of Chicago |
2130 |
45 |
John Yoo |
University of California, Berkeley |
1480 |
43 |
Intellectual Property/Cyberlaw
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Mark Lemley |
Stanford University |
1960 |
44 |
2 |
Robert Merges |
University of California, Berkeley |
990 |
51 |
3 |
Dan Burk |
University of California, Irvine |
710 |
48 |
4 |
Yochai Benkler |
Harvard University |
660 |
46 |
Jessica Litman |
University of Michigan |
660 |
57 |
6 |
Rochelle Dreyfuss |
New York University |
650 |
63 |
7 |
Jane Ginsburg |
Columbia University |
630 |
55 |
Pamela Samuelson |
University of California, Berkeley |
630 |
62 |
9 |
Rebecca Eisenberg |
University of Michigan |
600 |
55 |
10 |
Paul Goldstein |
Stanford University |
560 |
67 |
Runners-up for the top ten |
James Boyle |
Duke University |
550 |
51 |
Julie Cohen |
Georgetown University |
550 |
46 |
Gideon Parchomovsky |
University of Pennsylvania (part-time) |
530 |
42 |
John Duffy |
George Washington University |
500 |
47 |
Wendy Gordon |
Boston University |
450 |
61 |
Neil Netanel |
University of California, Los Angeles |
450 |
56 |
John R. Thomas |
Georgetown University |
430 |
43 |
David McGowan |
University of San Diego |
420 |
45 |
Highly Cited Scholars Whose Cites Are Not Exclusively in This Area |
Lawrence Lessig |
Harvard University |
1710 |
49 |
Jack Balkin |
Yale University |
1370 |
54 |
Margaret Jane Radin |
University of Michigan |
860 |
69 |
Daniel Solove |
George Washington University |
640 |
38 |
Law & Economics
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Richard Epstein |
University of Chicago, New York University |
2510 |
67 |
2 |
Eric Posner |
University of Chicago |
2130 |
45 |
3 |
Ian Ayres |
Yale University |
1240 |
51 |
4 |
Steven Shavell |
Harvard University |
1200 |
64 |
5 |
Robert Cooter |
University of California, Berkeley |
1000 |
65 |
6 |
Louis Kaplow |
Harvard University |
970 |
54 |
7 |
Thomas Ulen |
University of Illinois |
700 |
64 |
8 |
Christine Jolls |
Yale University |
670 |
43 |
9 |
Einer Elhauge |
Harvard University |
550 |
49 |
George Priest |
Yale University |
550 |
63 |
W. Kip Viscusi |
Vanderbilt University |
550 |
61 |
Runners-Up for the Top Ten |
Lewis Kornhauser |
New York University |
510 |
60 |
Saul Levmore |
University of Chicago |
510 |
57 |
A. Mitchell Polinsky |
Stanford University |
500 |
62 |
Law & Philosophy
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Ronald Dworkin |
New York University (half-time) |
2290 |
79 |
2 |
Jeremy Waldron |
New York University (half-time) |
1140 |
57 |
3 |
Martha Nussbaum |
University of Chicago |
980 |
63 |
4 |
Joseph Raz |
Columbia University (half-time) |
780 |
71 |
5 |
Michael S. Moore |
University of Illinois |
610 |
67 |
6 |
Jules Coleman |
Yale University |
580 |
63 |
7 |
John Finnis |
University of Notre Dame (part-time) |
480 |
70 |
8 |
Brian Leiter |
University of Chicago |
400 |
47 |
9 |
Thomas Nagel |
New York University |
390 |
73 |
10 |
R.A. Duff |
University of Minnesota (half-time) |
270 |
65 (est.) |
Runners-up for the Top Ten |
Brian Bix |
University of Minnesota |
260 |
48 |
Joshua Cohen |
Stanford University |
260 |
59 |
Jeffrie Murphy |
Arizona State University |
240 |
70 |
Scott Shapiro |
Yale University |
200 |
45 |
Stephen Perry |
University of Pennsylvania |
190 |
58 |
Highly Cited Scholars Whose Cites Are Not Exclusively in This Area |
Frederick Schauer |
University of Virginia |
1410 |
64 |
Larry Alexander |
University of San Diego |
800 |
67 |
R. Kent Greenawalt |
Columbia University |
730 |
74 |
Lawrence Solum |
University of Illinois |
650 |
56 |
Andrew Koppelman |
Northwestern University |
470 |
53 |
Matthew Adler |
University of Pennsylvania |
440 |
48 |
Brian Tamanaha |
Washington University, St. Louis |
330 |
53 |
Legal History
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Lawrence Friedman |
Stanford University |
1300 |
80 |
2 |
Reva Siegel |
Yale University |
980 |
55 |
3 |
John Langbein |
Yale University |
830 |
69 |
4 |
Morton Horwitz |
Harvard University |
700 |
72 |
Michael Klarman |
Harvard University |
700 |
51 |
6 |
G. Edward White |
University of Virginia |
630 |
69 |
7 |
Paul Finkelman |
Albany Law School |
490 |
61 |
8 |
James Whitman |
Yale University |
410 |
53 |
9 |
Stuart Banner |
University of California, Los Angeles |
370 |
47 |
William Treanor |
Fordham University |
370 |
53 |
Runners-up for the top ten |
William Nelson |
New York University |
340 |
70 |
Phillip Hamburger |
Columbia University |
330 |
53 |
Alfred Brophy |
University of North Carolina |
270 |
44 |
Mary Dudziak |
University of Southern California |
260 |
54 |
John Witt |
Yale University |
260 |
38 |
William Forbath |
University of Texas, Austin |
220 |
58 |
Highly Cited Scholars Whose Cites Are Not Exclusively in This Area |
Larry Kramer |
Stanford University |
1080 |
52 |
Herbert Hovenkamp |
University of Iowa |
1020 |
62 |
Robert W. Gordon |
Yale University |
360 |
69 |
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Robert Ellickson |
Yale University |
810 |
69 |
2 |
Carol Rose |
University of Arizona |
790 |
70 |
3 |
Michael Heller |
Columbia University |
570 |
48 |
4 |
Joseph William Singer |
Harvard University |
500 |
56 |
5 |
Henry Smith |
Harvard University |
370 |
45 |
Stewart Sterk |
Cardozo Law School/Yeshiva University |
370 |
58 |
7 |
Vicki Been |
New York University |
310 |
54 |
8 |
Gregory S. Alexander |
Cornell University |
290 |
62 |
Lee Fennell |
University of Chicago |
290 |
44 |
Lior Strahilevitz |
University of Chicago |
290 |
37 |
Runner-up for the top ten |
David Callies |
University of Hawaii |
260 |
67 |
Nicole Stelle Garnett |
University of Notre Dame |
250 |
40 |
Eduardo Penalver |
Cornell University |
200 |
37 |
Michael Schill |
University of Chicago |
190 |
52 |
Steven Eagle |
George Mason University |
180 |
65 |
Highly Cited Scholars Whose Cites Are Not Exclusively in This Area |
Thomas Merrill |
Columbia University |
1400 |
61 |
Margaret Jane Radin |
University of Michigan |
860 |
69 |
Gideon Parchomovsky |
University of Pennnsylvania (half-time) |
530 |
42 |
James Krier |
University of Michigan |
460 |
71 |
Abraham Bell |
University of San Diego (half-time) |
270 |
42 |
Public Law Areas (incl. constitutional law and legislation)
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Erwin Chemerinsky |
University of Califiornia, Irvine |
2860 |
57 |
2 |
Mark Tushnet |
Harvard University |
2110 |
65 |
3 |
Laurence Tribe |
Harvard University |
2100 |
69 |
4 |
William Eskridge, Jr. |
Yale University |
1930 |
59 |
5 |
Akhil Amar |
Yale University |
1760 |
52 |
6 |
Bruce Ackerman |
Yale University |
1740 |
67 |
7 |
Daniel Farber |
University of California, Berkeley |
1640 |
60 |
8 |
Richard Fallon |
Harvard University |
1410 |
58 |
9 |
Jack Balkin |
Yale University |
1370 |
53 |
10 |
Robert C. Post |
Yale University |
1280 |
63 |
11 |
Sanford Levinson |
University of Texas, Austin |
1230 |
69 |
12 |
Michael Dorf |
Cornell University |
1130 |
46 |
13 |
Michael McConnell |
Stanford University |
1090 |
55 |
14 |
Larry Kramer |
Stanford University |
1080 |
52 |
Kathleen Sullivan |
Stanford University |
1080 |
55 |
Eugene Volokh |
University of California, Los Angeles |
1080 |
42 |
17 |
Randy Barnett |
Georgetown University |
1000 |
58 |
18 |
Philip Frickey |
University of California, Berkeley |
990 |
57 |
19 |
Martin Redish |
Northwestern University |
980 |
65 |
20 |
David Cole |
Georgetown University |
960 |
52 |
Runners-up for the top twenty |
Richard Pildes |
New York University |
870 |
52 |
Barry Friedman |
New York University |
810 |
52 |
Geoffrey Stone |
University of Chicago |
810 |
64 |
Adrian Vermeule |
Harvard University |
800 |
42 |
Highly Cited Scholars Whose Cites Are Not Exclusively in This Area |
Richard Epstein |
University of Chicago, New York University |
2510 |
67 |
Ronald Dworkin |
New York University (half-time) |
2290 |
79 |
Lawrence Lessig |
Harvard University |
1710 |
49 |
John Yoo |
University of California, Berkeley |
1480 |
43 |
Frederick Schauer |
University of Virginia |
1410 |
64 |
Thomas Merrill |
Columbia University |
1400 |
61 |
Martha Minow |
Harvard University |
1030 |
56 |
Richard Delgado |
Seattle University |
1000 |
63 (est.) |
Samuel Issacharoff |
New York University |
990 |
56 |
Rank |
Name |
School |
Total Articles Citing Name |
Age in 2010 |
1 |
Michael Graetz |
Columbia University |
370 |
66 |
2 |
Daniel Shaviro |
New York University |
310 |
53 |
3 |
David Weisbach |
University of Chicago |
300 |
47 |
4 |
Edward McCaffery |
University of Southern California |
280 |
52 |
5 |
Reuven Avi-Yonah |
University of Michigan |
260 |
53 |
Edward Zelinsky |
Cardozo Law School/Yeshiva University |
260 |
60 |
7 |
Lawrence Zelenak |
Duke University |
240 |
55 |
8 |
Joseph Bankman |
Stanford University |
230 |
55 |
9 |
Victor Fleischer |
University of Colorado, Boulder |
200 |
39 |
Leandra Lederman |
Indiana University, Bloomington |
200 |
44 |
Nancy Staudt |
Northwestern University |
200 |
47 |
Runners-up for the top ten |
Marjorie Kornhauser |
Arizona State University |
190 |
63 |
Calvin Johnson |
University of Texas, Austin |
180 |
66 |
Deborah Schenk |
New York University |
180 |
63 |
David Schizer |
Columbia University |
170 |
42 |
Howard Abrams |
Emory University |
160 |
55 |
Anne Alstott |
Harvard University |
160 |
47 |
Thomas Griffith |
University of Southern California |
160 |
61 |
Highly Cited Scholars Whose Cites Are Not Exclusively in This Area |
Louis Kaplow |
Harvard University |
970 |
54 |
Kristin Hickman |
University of Minnesota |
230 |
40 |
Mark Gergen |
University of California, Berkeley |
210 |
54 |
Kyle Logue |
University of Michigan |
180 |
45 |
top |