Brian Leiter's Law School Rankings | ||||||||
| FACULTY QUALITY BASED ON MEMBERSHIP IN THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS & SCIENCES, 2012 The American Academy of Arts & Sciences each year elects members based on their distinguished contributions to scholarship, the arts, education, business, or public affairs. In reality, the Academy tends to be a bit “chummy”—schools already “rich” with members get “richer,” not always on the merits—though the sins tend to be of omission rather than inclusion. Faculty also tend to be elected later in their careers (though, on average, female faculty are elected at younger ages than male faculty) and untenured faculty are never elected. With those caveats in mind, here are the ten law schools with the highest percentage of faculty elected to one of the scholarly sections of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (excluding untenured faculty from the count for purposes of calculating the percentage—faculty totals are also rounded to the nearest five). As you will see from the lists, below, total membership drops off rather quickly. For purposes of this study, “faculty” means faculty who are wholly devoted to teaching and scholarship, even if they do so at more than one school, but only if they hold tenure in the Law School. (Lists aim to be current for faculty affiliations come fall 2012.) These criteria have the effect of excluding distinguished judges who still do some teaching (e.g., Frank Easterbrook, Richard Posner, and Diane Wood at Chicago, or Guide Calabresi at Yale), as well as law faculty elected in non-scholarly sections of the American Academy, like educational administration (e.g., John Sexton at NYU or Mark Yudof at Berkeley).
Below is a list of the non-emeritus teaching faculty from each school ranked above who are elected to the Law Section of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Faculty 70 or older (in the year 2012) are marked with an *. Those marked with an # were elected in a scholarly field other than Law.
University of Chicago Law School (9/25):
Douglas G. Baird, *R.H. Helmholz, Saul Levmore, #Martha C.
Nussbaum, Eric A. Posner, Michael Schill, Geoffrey R. Stone, David A.
Strauss, David Weisbach. 1.
Yale Law School (18/50):
Bruce Ackerman, Akhil Amar, Ian Ayres, Jack M. Balkin, R. Lea
Brilmayer, Stephen Carter, *Robert Ellickson, William Eskridge, Henry
Hansmann, Harold Koh, Anthony Kronman, *John Langbein, *Jerry Mashaw,
Robert C. Post, Judith Resnik,
Roberta Romano, *Alan Schwartz, Reva Siegel.
3. Harvard Law School (25/85): Lucian Bebchuk, Robert Clark, Richard Fallon, *Charles Fried, *Mary Ann Glendon, Jack L. Goldsmith III, *Morton Horwitz, Duncan Kennedy, Randall Kennedy, Louis Kaplow, Michael Klarman, Lawrence Lessig, Daniel Meltzer, Martha Minow, Robert Mnookin, Gerald Neuman, #Annette Gordon Reed, Mark Roe, Steven Shavell, *Laurence Tribe, Mark V. Tushnet, Roberto Unger, Adrian Vermeule, Elizabeth Warren, David Wilkins.
Stanford Law School (11/40):
#Joshua Cohen, John J. Donohue III,
*Lawrence Friedman, Ronald Gilson, Deborah
Hensler, Pamela Karlan, Mark Kelman, Larry Kramer, Michael McConnell, Deborah Rhode,
Kathleen Sullivan. 5
New York University School of Law (19/90):
*Anthony Amsterdam, *Jerome Cohen, *Norman Dorsen, *Ronald Dworkin,
Richard Epstein, #John Ferejohn, Samuel Issacharoff, Marcel Kahan, Sylvia
Law, Daryl Levinson, Geoffrey Miller, #*Thomas Nagel, *Burt Neuborne,
Richard H. Pildes, Richard Revesz, Daniel Rubinfeld, *Richard B. Stewart,
Jeremy Waldron, Joseph Weiler.
University of California, Berkeley Boalt Hall School of Law (10/55):
*Jesse Choper, Robert Cooter, Christopher F. Edley, Jr., *Melvin
Eisenberg, Daniel Farber, *Herma Hill Kay, #Kristin Luker, Daniel
Rubinfeld, *Harry Scheiber, Franklin Zimring.
University of Michigan Law School (6/50):
#Phoebe Ellsworth, Bruce Frier, Catharine MacKinnon, *Margaret Jane
Radin, Donald H. Regan, #Rebecca Scott.
University of Virginia School of Law (6/60):
Kenneth S. Abraham, John C. Jeffries, Jr., Douglas Laycock, Paul G.
Mahoney, Frederick Schauer, *G. Edward White.
Duke University School of Law (3/45):
*Paul Carrington, #*Donald Horowitz, David F. Levi. Other law school faculties with teaching faculty elected to the AAAS: Cornell: Theodore Eisenberg |
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