292 evaluators from around the nation received invitations
to participate in the survey, and 51% accepted the invitation and completed
the surveys. Another 2% tried to complete the surveys, but encountered technical
problems with the on-line survey that we were unable to resolve in time. Roughly
another 11% expressed an interest in participating, but an inability to do so
during the indicated time period. (It is fair to say that certain rather more
weighty matters going on in the world during the same time period depressed
the response rate somewhat.) Not quite 2% expressed an unwillingness to participate,
and the remaining third were not heard from.
Evaluator |
School |
Kenneth Abraham |
University of Virginia |
Matthew Adler |
University of Pennsylvania |
Peter Alces |
College of William & Mary |
Gregory Alexander |
Cornell University |
Larry Alexander |
University of San Diego |
Ronald J. Allen |
Northwestern University |
Vikram Amar |
University of California, Hastings |
Keith Aoki |
University of Oregon |
Stephen Bainbridge |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Lynn Baker |
University of Texas, Austin |
Milner Ball |
University of Georgia |
Randy Barnett |
Boston University |
David Bederman |
Emory University |
Margaret Berger |
Brooklyn Law School |
David Bernstein |
George Mason University |
Lisa Bernstein |
University of Chicago |
Guyora Binder |
State University of New York, Buffalo |
Brian Bix |
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities |
Alfred Brophy |
University of Alabama |
James Brudney |
Ohio State University |
Harold Bruff |
University of Colorado, Boulder (also
Dean) |
Ronald Cass |
Boston University (also Dean) |
Robert Chang |
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles |
R. Alta Charo |
University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Jim Chen |
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities |
Gabriel Chin |
University of Arizona |
John C. Coffee, Jr. |
Columbia University |
Jules Coleman |
Yale University |
Hanoch Dagan |
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
Anne Dailey |
University of Connecticut |
Kenneth Dau-Schmidt |
Indiana University, Bloomington |
Adrienne Davis |
University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill |
Richard Delgado |
University of Pittsburgh |
Neal Devins |
College of William & Mary |
Michael Dorf |
Columbia University |
Joshua Dressler |
Ohio State University |
Donald Dripps |
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities |
Markus Dubber |
State University of New York, Buffalo |
Ira Ellman |
Arizona State University |
Daniel Farber |
University of California, Berkeley |
Noah Feldman |
New York University |
Lee Anne Fennell |
University of Texas, Austin |
David Fischer |
University of Missouri, Columbia |
Richard Michael Fischl |
University of Miami |
James Fleming |
Fordham University |
Eric Freedman |
Hofstra University |
Richard Freer |
Emory University |
Barry Friedman |
New York University |
Philip Frickey |
University of California, Berkeley |
Richard Garnett |
University of Notre Dame |
Mark Gergen |
University of Texas, Austin |
Clayton Gillette |
New York University |
John Goldberg |
Vanderbilt University |
Risa Goluboff |
University of Virginia |
Jeffrey Gordon |
Columbia University |
Robert Gordon |
Yale University |
Mark Grady |
George Mason University (also Dean) |
Abner Greene |
Fordham University |
Stephen Griffin |
Tulane University |
Ian Haney Lopez |
University of California, Berkeley |
David Herring |
University of Pittsburgh (also Dean) |
Michael Herz |
Cardozo Law School/Yeshiva University |
Herbert Hovenkamp |
University of Iowa |
Heidi Hurd |
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
(also Dean) |
Alan Hyde |
Rutgers University, Newark |
Nancy King |
Vanderbilt University |
Thomas Kohler |
Boston College |
Donald Kommers |
University of Notre Dame |
Russell Korobkin |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Jody S. Kraus |
University of Virginia |
Harold Krent |
Chicago-Kent College of Law |
Andrew Kull |
Boston University |
Christopher L. Kutz |
University of California, Berkeley |
Donald Langevoort |
Georgetown University |
Lewis LaRue |
Washington & Lee University |
Gary Lawson |
Boston University |
Douglas Laycock |
University of Texas, Austin |
Leandra Lederman |
George Mason University |
Brian Leiter |
University of Texas, Austin |
Mark A. Lemley |
University of California, Berkeley |
Sanford Levinson |
University of Texas, Austin |
Saul Levmore |
University of Chicago (also Dean) |
Michael Livingston |
Rutgers University, Camden |
Kyle Logue |
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
Ira Lupu |
George Washington University |
Jonathan Macey |
Cornell University |
William P. Marshall |
University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill |
Toni Massaro |
University of Arizona (also Dean) |
Calvin Massey |
University of California, Hastings |
Richard McAdams |
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Geoffrey Miller |
New York University |
David Millon |
Washington & Lee University |
Robert Mnookin |
Harvard University |
Michael S. Moore |
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Stephen Morse |
University of Pennsylvania |
Andrew Morriss |
Case Western Reserve University |
Christopher Mueller |
University of Colorado, Boulder |
Stephen R. Munzer |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Nell Newton |
University of Connecticut (also Dean) |
Gene Nicol, Jr. |
University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill (also Dean) |
Mark Osiel |
University of Iowa |
Dennis Patterson |
Rutgers University, Camden |
Jordan Paust |
University of Houston |
Stephen Perry |
New York University |
Christopher J. Peters |
Wayne State University |
Richard H. Pildes |
New York University |
Daniel Polsby |
George Mason University |
Richard A. Posner |
University of Chicago and U.S. Court
of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit |
Peter Quint |
University of Maryland |
Nancy Rapoport |
University of Houston (also Dean) |
Steven Ratner |
University of Texas, Austin |
Jerome H. Reichman |
Duke University |
William Reynolds |
University of Maryland |
Annelise Riles |
Cornell University |
Daniel Rodriguez |
University of San Diego (also Dean) |
Roberta Romano |
Yale University |
Jim Rossi |
Florida State University |
J.B. Ruhl |
Florida State University |
Teemu Ruskola |
American University |
Brett Scharffs |
Brigham Young University |
Anthony Sebok |
Brooklyn Law School |
Mark Seidenfeld |
Florida State University |
Michael Selmi |
George Washington University |
George Shepard |
Emory University |
Emily Sherwin |
Cornell University |
Jonathan Simon |
University of Miami |
Christopher Slobogin |
University of Florida, Gainesville |
Michael Solimine |
University of Cincinnati |
Larry Solum |
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles |
Peter Spiro |
Hofstra University |
Matthew Spitzer |
University of Southern California (also
Dean) |
Kate Stith |
Yale University |
Lynn Stout |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Kent Syverud |
Vanderbilt University (also Dean) |
Eric Talley |
University of Southern California |
A. Dan Tarlock |
Chicago-Kent College of Law |
George Thomas III |
Rutgers University, Newark |
Joseph Tomain |
University of Cincinnati (also Dean) |
Gerald Torres |
University of Texas, Austin |
William Treanor |
Fordham University (also Dean) |
Mark Tushnet |
Georgetown University |
Eugene Volokh |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Elizabeth Warren |
Harvard University |
Donald Weidner |
Florida State University (also Dean) |
Mark Weiner |
Rutgers University, Newark |
Michael Wells |
University of Georgia |
Robin West |
Georgetown University |
Tobias Wolff |
University of California, Davis |
Barbara Woodhouse |
University of Florida, Gainesville |
Fred Zacharias |
University of San Diego |
Benjamin Zipursky |
Fordham University |