Note: there are likely to be schools
not studied which would have made the top 50 of this list, ahead of some
of those listed in the 40-50 range here.
Statistically insignificant differences were treated as ties.
1. University of Chicago (4.76)
2. Yale University (3.77)
3. Columbia University (2.13)
3. Harvard University (2.14)
3. Stanford University (2.17)
6. University of California, Berkeley (2.06)
7. New York University (1.97)
7. University of Texas, Austin (1.95)
9. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (1.91)
10. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1.74)
11. Wake Forest University (1.63)
12. Northwestern University (1.57)
13. University of California, Los Angeles (1.53)
14. University of Pennsylvania (1.46)
14. University of Virginia (1.46)
16. Cornell University (1.35)
17. Emory University (1.28)
18. Georgetown University (1.24)
19. University of San Diego (1.21)
20. University of Notre Dame (1.19)
21. College of William & Mary (.99)
21. Duke University (.98)
23. Vanderbilt University (.96)
24. University of Colorado, Boulder (.88)
25. University of Southern California (.85)
26. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (.82)
27. Boston University (.80)
27. George Mason University (.80)
27. University of Arizona (.79)
30. Chicago-Kent College of Law (.75)
31. Rutgers University, Camden (.71)
32. University of Georgia (.68)
33. University of California, Hastings (.64)
33. Washington University, St. Louis (.64)
35. Cardozo Law School/Yeshiva University (.62)
35. George Washington University (.62)
37. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (.60)
38. University of Miami (.56)
39. Brooklyn Law School (.52)
39. University of Iowa (.52)
41. Tulane University (.49)
42. Florida State University (.47)
42. Fordham University (.47)
44. University of Pittsburgh (.46)
45. Washington & Lee University (.45)
46. Ohio State University (.43)
47. Boston College (.42)
48. University of Wisconsin, Madison (.41)
49. Rutgers University, Newark (.39)
50. University of California, Davis (.30)
50. University of Utah (.30)